TC-Engineering GmbH We would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there.
TC-Engineering GmbHWe would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there. 

Anode Slotting with Stubs feasible

Anode slotting machine with manipulator Anode slot cutting with or without stubs
Anode slotting machine Anode Slotting automatic line

Anode slotting with two or three saw blades, fully automatic operation, integrated into your conveyor system, with and without stubs feasible.

Special feature:

Slot shape free programable. This means more possibilities for process optimization and cost saving potentials. ASK US!

Address Germany

TC-Engineering GmbH
Gartenstr. 12
91626 Schopfloch


Please call either or

+49- 98579759662 98579759662


or use the contact form.

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