TC-Engineering GmbH We would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there.
TC-Engineering GmbHWe would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there. 

Slab Tong pit stripping, Hydraulic Ingot Tong

The TC-VK is equipped with two hydraulic cylinders and can lift slabs vertically, lay down

Slab tong, hydraulic ingot tong
Slab Tong - hydraulic tong
hydraulic slab tong for transport of slabs vertical and horizontal directions. Capacity according your specification. Two cylinders, special safety features, DIN EN 15018 and DIN EN 13849, BGR 500 etc.
Data Sheet Slab Bar Tong.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.2 MB]
hydraulic slab tong, vertical pit stripping and lay down
Slab tong, hydraulical slab tong, billet tong
hydraulic slab tong, billet tong, two cylinders, special safety features, DIN EN 15018, DIN EN 13849, BGR 500, vertical slab transport and lay down. NO HORIZONTAL TRANSPORT!
Data Sheet Slab Bar Tong low weight.pdf
PDF-Dokument [266.7 KB]

Slab tong horizontal transport

The TC-VK is a mechanical duplex tong to transport slabs in horizontal direction, lift and lay down

mechanical slab tong, Brammenzange, pince de brame, pinza automatica para slabs
hydraulic slab tong, hydraulic tong, hydraulische Brammenzange, pinza para placas
hydraulic slab tong with rotation, hydraulische Brammenzange
mechanical slab tong, single slab handling, pinza automatica para slabs
Slab tong, mechanische Brammenzange, Pince de brame

Slab tong, slab transport horizontally and vertically

The TC-VK is equipped with two hydraulic cylinders and can operate vertical, lay down, lift up and horizontal transport.



hydraulic slab tong, transport vertically and horizontally, slab lifter, hydraulische Brammenzange

Address Germany

TC-Engineering GmbH
Gartenstr. 12
91626 Schopfloch


Please call either or

+49- 98579759662 98579759662


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