TC-Engineering GmbH We would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there.
TC-Engineering GmbHWe would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there. 

Log Grab for excavator/crane

Hydraulic Log Grab for heavy duty applications in harbors and timber processing plants. Capacity range 4 to 70 t. This device can handle single timber, bundles and other cylindrical materials.



Timber log grab Log grab for forest crane, 0,35 qm + 0,51 qm
Log grab for forest crane, 4 and 5 t
Holzgreifer für Bagger Timber log grapple for excavator

Address Germany

TC-Engineering GmbH
Gartenstr. 12
91626 Schopfloch


Please call either or

+49- 98579759662 98579759662


or use the contact form.

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