TC-Engineering GmbH We would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there.
TC-Engineering GmbHWe would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there. 

Billet Tong - Pit Stripping Grab

The billet tong is a hydraulically powered tong for vertical pit stripping and lay down.

Our billet grab is the bench mark for billet handling in the aluminium industry. We have this design already for decades in the field and developped the tong constantly to fit to latest requirments.

The tong can be a single row or a double row type. It is hydraulically powered with two cylinders for redundant save system. Capacities are designe to clients request. Typical is 15t.



billet tong simulation in casthouse
Billet tong, round billet, one row pit stripping
Billet tong - hydraulic tong
Billet tong for vertical evacuation from casting pit. Length according your requirements.
Data Sheet Billet Tong.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.7 MB]
hydraulic billet tong, large diameters
hydraulic billet tong, vertical and lay down
hydraulic billet tong, long row design, pit stripping grab

For row lenth we have a modular design and adopt the system to your request. Please let us know row length!

Address Germany

TC-Engineering GmbH
Gartenstr. 12
91626 Schopfloch


Please call either or

+49- 98579759662 98579759662


or use the contact form.

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