TC-Engineering GmbH We would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there.
TC-Engineering GmbHWe would like to welcome you at the Aluminium Düsseldorf exhibition 08-10.10.2024, booth 6F24. Contact us! We will have a billet tong there. 

Cast Log Ultrasonic Testing - Helical Ultrasonic Testing

Our state of the art system for centre crack or 100% ultrasonic testing of aluminium extrusion billets. The system is a "simulated" submerged device. This means that the part of the billet tested is submerged in water.

This System gives a stabile environment for testing excluding possible errors due to missing water contact, bubbles or surface imperfections.

The US-Tester is based upn the latest available hardware and custom made software for data processing.

It is designed with sensor clusters giving safe and efficient testing at high speed. For centre crack testing speed may be up to 500 mm / sec., while 100% testing will require more than 1.5 min for 7,5m log lenth. Test cycle increases by increased billet diameter.



Ultrasonic Billet Testing Ultrasonic Inspection System
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